I had an abortion last year, after an unexpected pregnancy with someone who I wasn’t in a relationship with. I didn’t feel able to tell him, or my family, only two close friends. BPAS were incredible and I’m so thankful for them. However, as they didn’t have the pills by post contract for my local area (the local NHS board did) I ended up having to pay for my BPAS consultation. The NHS system wouldn’t have been able to keep it off my record, and I wasn’t comfortable handling it locally and I wanted it to be done as soon as possible, the NHS meant I had to wait a week for an appointment online. I realise I was in a very unique and privileged position to be able to afford the consultation fee and not all women would be able to. It saved me so much more emotional trauma by being able to handle it without going to a GP or clinic, and without having to tell anyone I wasn’t comfortable with.
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