Solidarity with Katie

Katie* is facing trial for ending a pregnancy, and is living with the stress and trauma of an ongoing police investigation into her NHS-prescribed abortion. This is all due to an outdated law from 1861 that makes abortion a criminal offence.

Abortion is healthcare, and should be treated as such. This is why Level Up is campaigning for the outdated 1861 law to be removed, and abortion to be decriminalised. Until we achieve that, the most important thing we can do is show solidarity with women who are still being prosecuted under these archaic laws.

It’s crucial that Katie knows the public are on her side – please share a message of support, and we will pass them onto Katie. 

* Katie is not her real name. 

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messages of solidarity

I am so sorry that ‘Katie’ or any woman suffers such cruel behaviour by NHS and police system. To have to have an abortion is bad enough, without all of this criminalising it. Personally, I have never needed an abortion but have experienced such NHS cruelty when lying on hosp bed miscarrying an early foetus. After the curt nurse said that I had ‘finished bleeding’, she told me that I could ‘go home how’ as i was not pregnant. No kind words ar compassion. I was mid forties and had always very much wanted a baby – I was heart broken – but had to get up and make my way home alone. The pregnancy followed a date rape situation which was horrible but i accepted it (didn’t report it) wondering if i might have become pregnant. . . I do believe that men should be held responsible for every pregnancy esp when raped or coerced into having sex. Perhaps best if all men were neutered in early teens. This can be reversed in almost every case – and it is a simple quick minor surgery – much safer that all the contraceptives which women endure. Good luck to all women

So sorry to hear about this, Katie. It is further evidence of the fact that Britain is not a gender equal country at all, and that unwanted pregnancy is still being used to judge and punish women under archaic and patriarchal ideas of “morality”. As if the decision to end a pregnancy is one lightly made. And – the elephant in the room – as if women just become pregnant on our own!! Keep battling – we will win this. Sorry again that in the meantime you are being subjected to such injustice. Jennifer X

Jennifer Akdemir

Dear Katie, I am so angry and frustrated and sorry that this happened (and is still happening) to you. Abortion is healthcare, responsible abortion-providing dating scans etc- is vital. You were failed by the NHS and the government on your moment of greatest need. I see you, I support you unwaveringly, and while I’m not Christian, I will make a petition to the Old Gods for Justice. Finally- the midwife should be ashamed. Her whole career is supposed to be about supporting and advocating for women, not condemning and judging. I stand shoulder to shoulder with you

Sam B

Hi Katie, Your story has made me so sad. It chills me that you have been treated this way simply for accessing medication. It’s disgusting. I offer you love, support and sisterhood. I have terminated two pregnancies, one surgically and one using pills as prescribed by a doctor. You should have been treated with love, compassion and respect. It is what you deserve in the face of a medical emergency. I am sure you know this but sometimes we need to hear it: it is not your fault. It is infuriating that after an experience like this you now have to face a bogus court case. You should be recovering from this traumatic health incident surrounded by love, not judgement. Sending you love, and solidarity, I will follow your case and hope very much to see compassion and justice throw the bloody thing out of the courts so you can heal. Jo

Hi Katie, What is being done to you is outrageous and downright spiteful. It’s certainly not protecting the public from crime. One person has been allowed to act on their own personal beliefs and the so-called justice system is helping her ‘punish’ you severely and unnecessarily. They should all be prosecuted for hate crime. They’re all hurting you but you’ve hurt no one. This action should be thrown out completely and this ridiculous law removed from the statute books. With love and strength, Dot